

Introducing Giant Umbrella

Our umbrella service is designed to be simple, paperless and hassle free. We take care of all PAYE tax deductions, give you pension planning options and flexibility to choose your holiday pay model.

This page includes net income illustrations, the benefits of joining Giant Umbrella as well as link where you can join Giant Umbrella fully online, details on pensions, holiday pay and answers to our most frequently asked questions. 

What are the benefits of choosing Giant Umbrella?

  • Salary sacrifice payments into a private pension with tax relief
  • Choice of accrued or rolled up holiday scheme
  • One contract for multiple assignments & 
  • Access to statutory payments
  • You may be eligible to claim expenses which may increase your take home pay
  • Same day faster payments and advance facility as standard
  • Award winning benefits package Giant Advantage
  • £30 million professional indemnity and public & employer’s liability insurances
  • The weekly margin is from £17.50 which nets down to £8.92 after tax relief
click here to calculate your net pay
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To find out more information about Giant Umbrella or to ask us anything, please email at If you've made your decision and you'd like to join us you can do by clicking the button below.

Please note if you see a message advising that your email is already in our system, the great news is that the set up will be quick and easy please email us at using the reference (restarter) in the subject header and we will contact you within 24 hours.

Joining giant umbrella only takes 15 minutes online, click here to sign up.